Adult Umbongo vs. £100 Rosé: A marketing lesson

October 28, 2021
Minimal inspiration
Jacqui Patton
2 min

Looking around the room I noticed something interesting...

I was kindly gifted a wine tasting at The Watchmaker last night and looking around the room I noticed something interesting...

We tried wines ranging from an El Coto Rioja Rosé at £8.81 a bottle to a Chateau D'Esclans Garrus Provence Rosé at £112.38 a bottle.

Some of the wines were pretty traditional, like the Chateau Leoube Rosé which you could imagine drinking on a sunny terrace in the south of France.

And some were completely off the wall like the Jumping Juice Sunset which was described as an adult Umbongo!

And guess what? Different people enjoyed different wines!  Some loved the adult Umbongo, and others loved the bottle that was over 100 quid. (I loved both of those.)

It got me thinking:

  • You don't have to be the cheapest or the most expensive.
  • You don't have to be the most well established or the most innovative.
  • You just need to find the people that want to buy what you're selling!

If you're struggling to find your customers and make those sales then you need to join over a hundred businesses who have already secured their ticket for GREENHOUSE 2023: Marketing & Sales for Entrepreneurs on 14th October.

May James will be sharing a session all about sales psychology titled "How To Stop The Ick and Make More Sales in 2024" - you don't want to miss it!

Jacqui Patton
Jacqui Patton is the MD of Ink Blot Creative and a Marketing Strategist.